Sunday, July 22, 2007

God bless my little Baby Kate!

For all of you who know me, know that I have been in love with a little Boston Terrier for the last 8 years. My friend Blake and I found her in a Lubbock pet store, as she was not only the runt of her litter but the only girl. She was whooping her brothers butts and taking names. I took her home, i took her to church, i took her to our Campus Crusade meetings at Tech.
About a week after i had her, she started having epileptic seizures. I thought I was going to lose her then, however, the vet told me that i could put her down, take her back to the pet store or keep her and she would have to be on meds for a while. Well, I kept her, how could i have not, and we loved each other intensely. She was always with me and loved to ride in my lap to and from Paris/Dallas and Lubbock. Actually everywhere we went, she was in my lap.
She slept with me for the most part of the last 8 years, moved with me and RW to Oklahoma, Ft Worth, California and back to Texas. She was precious to me. She would dance for treats, clean her paws before she fell asleep at night, and loved to rub her nose on the couch.
I love my Kate Bug!
Well, Kate went to be with our Lord yesterday. We are in Denton at my sisters, and had to come to Paris by Friday so that we could attend a funeral of a very dear family friend of ours. We had thought about bringing my little Kate with us, but knew we would be back to Amarillo shortly. Just a weekend trip, and we had left her many times before with Duke and Ginger, our other two pooches in the back yard. RW's brother had to come out to our house yesterday, and found Kate deceased in the back yard. He was going to bury her for us, and called to let us know.
I am in shock, and really sad. She was MY first doggie, and as much as I love Ginger and Duke, I think I am ready to be out of the dog business due to this loss.
If anyone of you or anyone you know would be interested in a Boston Terrier free to a loving home, Duke is a precious and beautiful Boston. He is just not very well potty trained, so he has been outside for the last year. However, he has a great disposition, and loves everybody especially kids & he is 6 years old.
Ginger is a mix breed of Catahoula and Blue Heeler. She is free to a good and loving home as well. She has not been fixed, and is about a year old.
Anyways, if anyone knows of anyone please let me know.
Please pray that our getting home and knowing that Kate is no longer there will not be as hard as i think it may be.
I love you guys. I am so thankful for the time i had with her sweet little personality.
May God Bless her little soul!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I love you! I am so sorry about Baby Kate! We all loved her to much!

I will spread the word about Duke and Ginger.

Love you,