Our boys were so excited! They could not believe it! They got everything they ever wanted!!! Or so they said that morning... which was the right answer! Santa had listened very closely!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Christmas 2008
Our boys were so excited! They could not believe it! They got everything they ever wanted!!! Or so they said that morning... which was the right answer! Santa had listened very closely!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Turkey Day!!!
I have been a little busy, but never too busy for you guys! My avid followers! HA HA!
Anyways, so tomorrow is Turkey day, and here i sit in my new cubicle. I do enjoy my new job and all that will be coming with it. Including 2 paid days for the holiday, opposed to unpaid holiday days. However, i must say, regardless, i am ready to hit the paved way. I have lots to do tonight including ordering some Scentsy orders, picking a few orders up, cooking the dressing for tomorrow's big meal, and getting to bed at a decent time.
I am sorry we are not able to be with all of our family for this holiday! However, we do get to spend the day with most of Dub's fam and then my sis and brother-in-law will be out here this weekend. Hopefully, once i put some time in here at the BIG school in town, maybe i can take a little more time off to be with those of you not in Lubbock!
I love you all! I am blessed to know each of you, call you friend and family!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
google Scentsy Lubbock, TX
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My oldest Buckaroos furry little friend!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
TTU vs. Nebraska game
Go Red Raiders!!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Green Chiles from New Mexico
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Garage Sale Goodies
So we went back in the store, and ordered the rails that match the set! We got the entire deal for $79 and some change!!! Talk about super duper excited!!!
So, here is the Dubster putting together the awesome, super cool black sleigh bed frame! I cannot believe it!!!
Then... the next day, we hit a garage sale bright and early. I was not completely overwhelmed until the owner asked me what i was looking for and i mentioned a set of bunk beds for my boys. She said she knew they had 2 sets in storage, and that if i came back she would get them out for me!So we left there after Dub purchased a few fishin' rods. We then stopped at another sell on our way home and found a practically new stand up deep freezer for $75! I have yet to snap a pic of that fine beauty so until i do, she will just sleep in her newly cleaned garage and freeze my roasted green chiles! (*that will be another post... hopefully sometime soon*)
Later that afternoon, the boys, Aunt Carolyn and I went back to see if they had dug out their bunk beds. I was very pleased to see the red metal bunk bed frame leaning against the fence. I agreed on $50 for the owner, and paid her $20 to hold it until we could come back the next morning to pick them up... as the Dubster had gone about his way that afternoon and would not be available.
As we were leaving, the ladies daughter perked up that her mom was also selling the wooden swingset in her backyard that the boys had played on each time we visited their garage sale that day. I said oh really!?! She said my boys were the only kiddos that had played on it in a long time, and that she had thought of me after we had left earlier that morning. So i asked the owner how much she would like to get for the set... she said $100!!! I thought are you kidding! Wooden sets are upwards of 350 or more with wood and all! I told her I would have to discuss it with the honey, but that I was greatly interested! We left quite excited!!!
So, the next morning, once dub and i agreed to add the swingset to the weekends purchases... we went back to their house so that he could look at the bunk beds. While there we negotiated a few more "small" items to add to our grand total! SO... I do not have pictures of the bunks in the boys room yet, because they are still leaning against the fence in OUR backyard. However, below are the pictures of our new, reasonably priced wooden swing set and one of the boys other favorite last minute adds from the weekends garage sale extravaganza!
This is what we like to call Fabulous Treasures!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Friday Night at the Chisum Home
... he was not so excited about me possibly posting his picture. But when you have a man, that you can call your own, and he is just so dang handsome... you got to show him off to people that might want to see just how handsome your husband really is! I have tried to explain this to him, but if any of you see him anytime soon.... could you just simply express to him how much you enjoy seeing his handsome face as well!?! I think he was expecting this camera to just be used on the boys, as was the case when they were newborns... but now it is back on him... So finally in trying to explain all of this... i got one of these...
... a good ol' Rdubya grin! i love him!
Came the Monster Jam Rally in the boys bathroom!
I had no idea that not only had the event been planned in our house, but even more so in the boys bathroom sink! It was quite an event and therefore I had no choice, but to snap fast pictures of the outstanding 2 year old and 4 year old commentators at the Monster Truck Rally! Who knew such an event could be going on in my very own home without my even having a clue!
Now you must notice the serious, intent looks on these boys faces. They had 'em lined up on either side of the sink, and all parked along side of each other. Waiting to take their turn in the sink at the Monster Truck rally!
So they each took a turn running their trucks into the sink, and seeing if they would crash!
Did you notice the Capri Sun refreshment in the lower corner? That's my boys' kind of Monster Truck Rally!
Then, they realized i was watching and taking pictures! So this one they are saying "CHEESE!"
It must have been intermission, because the truck grumbling had come to a halt!
however... the action quickly resumed once again!
These two little buckaroos were really into this imaginative play of Monster Truck racing!
i love these little guys! these guys are undoubtedly their daddy's boys! i love that about them, too!
And at the end of their bathroom sink racing debut...
...this is what we call sportsman like conduct in our house!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
the new digital camera is on it's way...
i am so excited to be back in full action with the camera-internet combo. just to post all kinds of embarassing, cute and sweet pictures of me and my cowboys!
love you all. no results yet on the exam. and i am putting off the other exams for now until some stress at the office chills out a little bit.
now i am off to get down and dirty with my buckaroos out in the BIG GARAGE CLEAN OUT (according to my sugar)!
"it is time to sell all of it" he said just a few minutes
so off to clean!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
the need for a digital camera...
We joined a local gym chain this week so that we could start working out again, and so that we could take the boys to their awesome pool. They are so excited. It really is the most cost effective way to be able to enjoy a pool in West Texas. Otherwise... the upkeep and dirt and wind, oh my!
So last thought for the morning...
fresh home grown zucchini... is what I am really thinking about this morning. I know... really random! But we have some from a family that are patients of Dr. B's, and they let us come out and pick all we want (and of all other fabulous vegetable garden treasures). So I am frying up some zucchini for dinner if anyone would like to stop by... ha ha yea right!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Tonight... one last message before to bed...
SO I have decided and registered to take the English 8-12 Content Mastery TExES Exam on Saturday, August 2nd. This means prayers may begin... I told my sister the other day that I do not think I studied like this in high school or in college. It is amazing the motivation that comes in two innocent and precious faces. I am just so greatful that there are programs like this out there... for those of us that have our heads up our butts during those years of what do I major in to achieve my purpose in this life. I mean really! Sometimes, since we are here in Lubbock, I have to admit that sometimes I have thought about going in and finding that advisor that suggested that I continue on in Sociology! WHAT!!! I distinctly remember it going something like this is a GREAT field, you are talented in these courses, and there are many options for someone with a Bachelor Degree in Sociology!!! It's a good thing that I do not distinctly remember that woman's name.It is also good that I realize she was very well simply fulfilling her position as one in an education profession and possibly even as a mom... I just only wish I would have put two and two together then. Now it all makes perfect sense. Of course she could say that... she was not out there trying to find a job, make a living, and spend limited time with babies with that Sociology degree. However, either way, I am just glad I get a chance to redeem that BA in Sociology for something that will allow me some time with my buckaroos.
We (me and the Dubster) are aware that tests are not my most favorite thing to do with my time, but I am commited. We (me, the Dubster, and my lucky rabbit's foot in my pocket) are also aware that there could be a chance that I just blow this one. The test will tell.
In the mean time, I am working my behind literally off at the office, chasing after all my Cowboys in the evenings, and pulling some late nights here on the web researching English literature, metacognition, classical allusions, and TExES free study guides.
I love the internet... I would be stuck in a Sociology rut without it... oh, and I love my Bro and Sister in law for informing of the site to apply for the alternative certification.
So enough of the talking to no one but the inner self that is telling myself I better get studying before I crash... this will be all for now!
Monday, July 21, 2008
I am contemplating a few things this very morning, and am not sure which direction to go. I have been accepted to an alternative certification program to be able to become an educator. Now, anyone that knows me, knows that I have just done about everything in my power to avoid this obvious thing here that is about to happen. You see, I come from a family of educators by choice, and I thought that I would just never go down that path. Not that there is anything in the world wrong with teaching. It's just when you hear for your entire life all the negative about the field it makes you think that maybe you should not go there. However, I am now a mom, with a Sociology degree, and working as an Optician. Not that that any of that is bad either... I am just looking for my purpose here.
Did you know that teacher's have THE best schedule in consideration of the family. I did not realize this as much as a spoiled young lady with a mom that put herself on the back burner so that she would not be required to stray too far from her young. Now that I have young of my own, I feel guilty each morning as I have to go and drop them off to someone else at 7:50 am (the very last possible minute) so that I can go try to make all of an hourly rate with no benefits... not to mention they are there (these two precious souls, that I was allowed to create) until sometimes 6 and 6:30 pm.
SOOOO, with all that said, I have been accepted to the alternative certification program, and my stump... is that i cannot decide what content mastery area to take my cert exams in so that I can get this show on the road. And in this, i feel the usual procrastination that takes over my body when i feel as if i am coming to yet another crossroad in this thing called life.
All I can think now as I really need to get off of this soap box is that He never said it was going to be easy, He only said it would be worth it.